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Faculty & Staff Resources / Directors of Undergraduate Studies / Departmental Faculty-Student Programs

Departmental Faculty-Student Programs


  • Upon entrance into the major, students are given an overview of the program and assigned a faculty mentor (in accordance with the faculty member’s regional and sub-disciplinary interests).
  • In an effort to provide expanded course information, the Department distributes flyers about upcoming classes.
  • Faculty involvement with the undergraduate student organization--the Undergraduate Anthropology Club--(UAC) continues (Professor Monica Udvardy is this year’s faculty sponsor). UAC holds monthly meetings during the semester, often with invited speakers of interest. The President of UAC for 2019-2020 is Maggie Morse. 
  • The Biology Department offers its students the following workshops:
    • Biology advisors collaborate with the A&S career advisor to provide career workshops on resumes and internships. Dr. Beattie and Dr. Seabolt attend these events and help to promote them in their classes.
    • Biology offers a study-abroad workshop led by Dr. Beattie.
    • Biology co-sponsors a Biology Honors Society workshop on pre-professional opportunities at UK. The faculty advisor is Dr. Cooper.


  • Chemistry has a student group that involves several faculty members.
  • Chemistry holds an award ceremony at the end of each semester for students and faculty.
  • Chemistry holds weekly seminars that are open to all students. Faculty also attend these seminars.

English & Linguistics

  • In Fall 2008 the Department started two student groups – (1) W.O.R.D (Writers’, Orators’, Readers’ Discussion) for the English majors and (2) Student Organization for Linguistics (S.O.L) for the linguistics majors.
  • One of the ideas that students had was for English faculty to attend meetings and discuss their research.
  • Linguistics faculty held the first meeting about starting a Linguistics organization. Linguistics faculty and students are really active.
  • English and Linguistics faculty give course descriptions for courses they offer each semester.


  • The Department hosts a picnic for all faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate majors.
  • The Department hosts a career workshop, “Post Graduation Life Session,” led by Dr. Matthew Zook, the Geography DUS, and is sponsored by the GEO Department.

Earth and Environmental Sciences

  • The Department of EES has each student visit Dr. Moecher, the DUS, before visiting the academic advisor. In addition to discussing course choices, students and Dr. Moecher discuss internships, research, jobs and graduate schools.


  • The History Department recently implemented the History Fall Kick-Off Event. The agenda of the event included remarks from the Chair and DUS, the A&S career advisor, and the freshmen and department academic advisors. All of the faculty also introduced themselves. There were around 40 students and 15 faculty who attended.
  • The Department is also creating a History student organization for undergraduates. It is the Department’s hope that the organization will help facilitate conversations between students and faculty.

International Studies

  • IS: Arabic and Islamic Studies creates a flyer each semester highlighting courses. These flyers have expanded descriptions of the courses.
  • IS: Students are required to meet with the Director of the IS Major, Monica Udvardy before undergoing independent senior capstone project.

Hispanic Studies

  • A majors section of UK 101 is taught. Multiple faculty are invited to give presentations.
  • Students who study abroad are required to meet with faculty.


  • FR, GER, and CLA: A flyer is created each semester highlighting courses.  These flyers have with expanded descriptions of the courses.
  • RUS and GER:  Students are required to meet with the DUS prior to their advising hold being lifted.
  • FR: French had 3-4 gatherings throughout the year where they invited students from all courses – not just majors and minors – to a reception/party at a faculty member’s house. These events received extremely positive feedback from the students.


  • A math club, involving students and faculty, has monthly meetings.
  • The Department hosts Math Movie of the Month.


  • Each semester, the Philosophy Department creates an expanded course description with instructors identified, and in some instances the textbooks required. This is distributed to all of the Philosophy majors.

Physics and Astronomy

  • Physics/Astronomy has an active student-faculty group.
  • Physics/Astronomy holds a weekly lunch-seminar for undergraduates. Each week a faculty member presents a topic of interest (not related to his/her research). This event is sponsored by the Chair and supported by the DUS and Faculty Advisor to student organization.
  • Physics/Astronomy requires all majors to visit an assigned faculty advisor to discuss physics/astronomy and math courses, research opportunities, and professional development before the majors visit with their academic advisor.
  • Physics/Astronomy holds an award ceremony at the end of the semester, which is attended by both faculty and students.

Political Science

  • The Department hosts a law school information event with faculty member, Dr. Justin Wedeking.


  • Psi Chi honor society meets approximately once a month. Faculty are invited to attend and give a talk.
  • The Department hosts an honors luncheon and awards day in the spring. There is also a poster session in Kastle Hall during awards day.
  • The Department offers an honor sequence allowing students to complete research under faculty supervision.


  • Student representatives are active participants in faculty and departmental meetings.
  • Faculty members have been of terrific assistance in the promotion of the undergraduate sociology club. Their promotion of club activities and willingness to serve as guest speakers has done much to grow interest among majors.